
Volume 1

Rein Connections

Taking the connection away.  Losing the rein effect from the horse's body


What happens when we take a connection away?  When the effect of a rein is disconnected, removed from the horse's body?


It is funny how we don't see our own false logic sometimes.  We work with a creature of motion and movement, one that we have treasured for thousands of years because of that very ability, because of that power, because of that speed.  The horse was the backbone of our civilization.  And yet we constantly dismiss or don't see this creature of movement as a creature of movement.  We became swift and could travel great distances when we were on their backs.  On our own two feet, we would have never been able to accomplish the amazing things we did with them.  And yet, we still keep thinking that somehow what happens when we are on their backs is going to be the same when we interact with them on our own clumsy, two feet.  That things will even be the same when the horse is stationary as when he is moving.   

Why do I say that we think these things?  Because that is the only conclusion one can reach if we examine on how we interact and how we try to train our horses.  Beginning with their reaction to the reins.   

Throughout the centuries horse master after horse master has looked for ways to have the horse as well trained as possible before anyone even climbs on their backs.  We have come up with all sorts of systems and methods from long lining to flexions so that we could start training the horse from the ground.  Never questioning how that may change things.   

And it does, it changes so much.  The force that we exert is exponentially more, our reaction time is toast, our ability to work in time with the horse is abysmal, and when we work with the horse at a halt, we disconnect aids from their true purpose.  Let me explain. 


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