
Volume 3

Throw Your Heart Over The Fence


"Throw Your Heart Over the Fence."


Why the heck would instructors all over the world tell their riders this old adage? 

For centuries, in one form or another in every language, riders have heard these words.

"Throw your heart over the fence."


Why say this?

Why would these words make a difference?

Maybe it is time to unpack what is behind these words. To dig in and find out why instructors continue to use them year after year, rider after rider.

The short answer is that this makes a difference.  Helps with the problem of the horse refusing to go over a fence, watching them stop suddenly while the rider loses his balance because he was ready to go over.

So, the short answer is that it works, the horse goes over the jump.

And because it works, nobody stops and asks, why??

Why does this work?

And once you have that answer, you realize that all along, all this time, we have known something that we never address.  

Because it turns out that all along, we have been talking about what is behind our failures and our successes with our horses.

We just didn't realize it.

And having never extrapolated it, we have missed the important thing we should have been teaching all along. Perhaps the most important thing that we should have been teaching or at least exploring because it is the answer to more than just getting our horses over a jump.

So, let's unpack!


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